Christian Artists Calling

Encouraging Christian artists to boldly declare their faith by creating meaningful art is the goal of this website.

Do you have a divine calling? Can you be certain? Could you have a destiny that involves the creating of contemporary Christian art?

I , therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you
to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, 

Ephesians 4:11

If you are browsing this website you've felt the tug –the desire to make a difference. You're already pondering these questions.

You also realize that you are a Christian first—before you consider yourself an artist. As a Christian, you've experienced the transformation that Jesus has made, and keeps making, in your life. Nothing about your faith is casual. Like the first strike of a match in a dark room, there is already growing light, dispelling darkness in all areas of your life.

When you became a new Christian, Jesus placed in you a burning desire to participate in His plan. Along with that desire He gave you the Holy Spirit to guide you into all truth regarding that plan. You don’t question the fact that you have a part to play in His kingdom. You know it with every fiber of your being!

But how can you know if His plan includes using your creativity in some way?

I've come up with a possible checklist of clues and a course you can take to anchor your calling and understand your artistic destiny.  

Christian Artist's easy (to ignore) checklist

• Are you sensitive to color and form, delighting in color combinations and shapes that work? Do you experience a strange disquiet when colors are mismatched or forms lack balance?

• Do you enjoy a feeling of pleasure when you are creative, no matter how insignificant your endeavors may appear? Perhaps it was the thrill of merely rearranging objects in a pleasing order.

• Can you remember with vivid delight those moments in your childhood when you impulsively created something without concern about approval?

• Do you find that the most meaningful gifts that you give and receive are handmade?

• Have others told you frequently that you are creative or talented? Have the recipients of your gifts been moved by your work?

• Do you think in visual terms, whether it is your grocery list or the paper that you read?

With Jesus your potential
is only limited by your faith!

If you answered "Yes" to any of the above, you know that you have been gifted with the seed to begin your artistic journey.

This seed may appear ordinary. No seed gives a clue of its full potential. Does the cherry pit tossed aside after savoring the sweetness of the fruit ever indicate the grace of the tree, the delicacy of its blossoms, or the abundance of its fruit?

If you've felt the smallest measure of delight when you scribbled a hasty sketch or squished play dough then you have shared in that experience with the Creator. That special joy of creativity can be the springboard for creating Christian art. That joy is a powerful clue.

Your journey of discovery will find its fulfillment in unique plans that He has for you as a Christian artist in His service. The creation of meaningful Christian art will be the inevitable fruit of that journey.

An Essential truth for Christian Artists 

Your skill matters less to Him than your willingness to partner with Him.

The seed of your 'gift', when returned to Jesus willingly, begins a partnership propelling you into the greatest adventure of your life. It will be a walk of love, faith and ever increasing trust in His unfailing goodness.

"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him." 1 Cor 2:9

As Christians, we know that Jesus transforms every area of our lives that He is willingly invited into.

Why then should the arena of Christian art be any different?

When I first accepted His invitation I was completely unqualified. As a Christian artist, I simply did not have the skill, knowledge, or experience necessary for my highest dreams and aspirations.

In my complete inadequacy His question for me was encouraging.

"You ARE not capable, but are you willing to embark on this adventure with me?"

So friend, I ask you the same question. You may not be a superbly talented Christian artist. Instead, you may find yourself wishing you had abilities that seem vastly beyond anything you currently possess. But as a Christian artist you have a divine calling that begs to be honored with excellence.

I fervently hope that your answer will be to trust Jesus and to step out to create wonderful art that fulfills your calling and delights Him.